Thursday, June 19, 2014


Tough times call for soft people, controversial I know but take it like this. There are times in life when you are beaten from every side and all you try to do doesn’t work out, you feel like you’re alone and no one can understand. Things are tough, times are moving fast and problems are just getting thicker. In such circumstances we are lost and unsure of our direction. But the word of God tells us “come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest”. The bible offers many versus as such that show us in times of despair and desperation we should turn to God.
Now if during tough times we should earnestly rely on God, how can we do that? Well the word of God tells us that we should be like little children. But children are weak and fragile? Yes I know they are, and because they are helpless that’s what makes them have so much trust and faith in their parents. God wants us to be the same, He wants us to be broken before him, vulnerable and helpless to Him. He wants to be our lifeline. He wants when things get tough we look to Him and see our refuge, He is our way out.

For Him to be strong we have to be weak, for Him to be big we have to be small and for Him to save we have to be in need. So for us to be out of these tough times we have to believe, believe that only God can save us and thus it requires to be in complete surrender and submission to God’s will. We, therefore, have to be soft before God for Him to get us through hard times……

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