Thursday, May 29, 2014


How did I get here? Since when did my life become a string of tragic emotional events (though dramatic and somehow interesting)? No one ever prepared me for how much life would hurt. My parents did an awesome job of raising me and ensuring I was safe but they just couldn’t protect me from the monster…HEARTACHE….
In this life we plan our firsts, our first day of school, our first achievement, our first car, our first house, our first job, our first date and all those rosy, sunny buckets full of sunshine. But we never plan our first break ups, our first betrayals, our first rejection or our first failure. These are things that we have to face eventually with no experience if I must say. But like they say, life happens. All these experiences, the good, the bad, the not so good but not so bad, all these raggedy emotions make up what we call the circle of life or is it cycle of life ;-)
When we get to that point in life and we start experiencing all these negative things that were not in our life plan, we panic and we tend to think that just because they are strong they’ll last forever. No they don’t have to, they may take some time to get over them but “this too shall pass”. Eventually life moves on, time passes and seasons change. Life happens and it will continue to happen every single day until you tell the world good ridden. So what do we do about all these unplanned setbacks? Well I’ll give you an answer, we EXPERIENCE them. Yes I said experience them. Let’s live in the moment, in that hair rising, blood draining, and heart aching moment. Let’s experience it until it ceases to be scary. Let’s live through those tragic moments, charge into them like a bull after a matador in the ring.
Once you do that then you’ll really have lived and you’ll have made the best of every experience. Don’t fight them, coz they are strong. Don’t hide away from them, coz they’ll never go away. And don’t run away from them, coz they’ll catch up and eventually over take you. Just stand still, take a deep breathe, close your eyes and live it. Then when you open your eyes you’ll realize just how small a pebble they are compared to your bucket full of sunshine….

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